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Re: fence

Post by LauraMc »

http://complaints.jeffparish.net/Cervis ... ddress.jsp

When I checked this morning, nearly all the 2008 complaints were removed. Makes me wonder if someone on this board works there.

The whole thing has turned into a big old mess. Now we have to wait on a supervisor to come out on Monday so we can't have the pour done. My husband had asked me which street I want to enter from and I said the side street. When I got home, the engineer had said I could enter from there but they left the driveway curved but stopping 2 feet from the sidewalk on the house side. What a moron! Why would I want to pull in at a curved angle and have to back out that way? His objection to the two sided driveway is that someone might use it as a U-turn. If I don't care, why should they? It's not like I'm on a busy street. We're next to the tracks for pete's sake!

I'll ask my brother-in-law about who to complain to for the chickens. He had the same problem and he didn't complain but someone did and they made the guy move his coop and then later made him get rid of them. It may have been the SPCA. The chickens kept escaping their coop and wandering into all the neighbors yards.
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