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Joey K's

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:14 pm
by justagirl
was booming tonight. I'm guessing Commander's is suffering from the tax increase already.

When I walked in I was already the 4th person in line for a table. The guy behind me, 5th and then instantly there were two more parties after him. We stood and waited, eying customers who looked liked they ate enough so they'd leave and we could have their tables...when this group of 6 walk in and say to us, all standing by the door, "You waiting for a table?" My first thought was "DUH" but I simply answered "yes sir." His entire party proceeded to sit down and get comfortable at the table the waitress just cleaned. A table one of us were really hoping would be ours. The guy behind me says "what the heck is with that?" To which my wise lips instantly reply "apparently with the entitlement plan, he gets that table with his free health insurance."

That said, dinner was pretty good. It's been said I have an insatiable appetite and I think I proved that tonight. I ate my salad then devoured my entire lamb shank, sides included, and Bam's french fries while he was in the restroom. His soft shell crab looked good but he didn't offer me a bite of that. His broccoli and cheddar soup was very good though.

I'm ready for Lent to be over so I can have dessert again.